Advantages of a Video Delivery Network
Faster Starts
Faster Video Startup Times (under 2s)
No Buffering
Un-interrupted High Bit Rate delivery (No Buffering)
Actually LIVE
Actually LIVE streaming (lowest latency in industry)
Infinitely Scalable
Cloud Infrastructure that automatically scales
“Web caching was never designed for video (large files) and current solutions were only applying bandages. We had to start from scratch.”— Vaibhav Malawade, CEO Teleos Media
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Wondering HOW we do this?
We had to start from scratch
We probed every stage of streaming media delivery workflow. We dissected each stage to identify where congestion or latency occurred and to what degree. What we discovered was surprising. Contrary to popular beliefs, the last mile was NOT the problem. The problem resided in the way the large video files were being cached and served from origin. Read more about our founding story on our About Us page.
The Teleos Media Video Delivery Network (VDN) consists of 3 core components
TrueQ Engine
The heart of our VDN is the TrueQ Engine which publishes the video files to the TrueEdge caching layer. The engine distributes the video to the TrueEdge nodes with high-efficiency that enables us to minimize latency and network congestion.
In a traditional CDN, this handoff is a bottleneck that causes high video start times, increased buffering, and higher latency on Live video.
The secret to our VDN cache is that TrueCache stores the entire video. If the entire video file is on the same server, the odds of continuously serving an un-interrupted stream of the highest bit rate rendition is significantly higher. Furthermore, TrueCache is built on cloud infrastructure, enabling a infinite edge to handle large scale events.
Legacy delivery systems operate on a transparent caching; this relies on the 80/20 rule where 80% of the traffic is requesting 20% of the files (popular content). Because of capacity constraints, these systems can only store chunks of a video and this doesn't address the challenge of video time (length). The result is low cache-hit rates. And the bottleneck between the origin and edge servers causes high video start times, increased buffering, and higher latency on Live video.
TrueBalancer is the central nervous system of our VDN. It knows where all the video files are cached. It continuously monitors the health and capacity of all the nodes on TrueEdge. And it handles all the player requests.
The entire Video Delivery Network is built over cloud infrastructure, so True Balancer can direct TrueEdge to quickly scale up resources to handle flash crowds in milliseconds.